A notice to our customers: Microsoft are experiencing disruption related to several of their M365 services that could impact your system. We are carefully monitoring the situation. You can be kept updated via Microsoft's service page.
NewOrbit - Artificial Inteligence NewOrbit - Product Partnering NewOrbit - Azure Services

Gaining an Edge with AI

Al is transforming the world of business, offering new ways to operate more smartly, deliver bełter service, and gain a competitive edge.

But how do you make sense of the bewildering and fast evolving world of Al? How do you choose the right Al solutions for your needs and goals? How do you implement and support them effectively?

Thaťs where we come in. At NewOrbit, we are helping organisations identify and capitalise on the opportunities Al presents to their systems and processes. We Offer a friendly hand to guide you through the world of Al with confidence and ease.

Find out more

Expertise in Al tech

We have filtered the AI technologies that are relevant for most businesses from the many confusing ones. You don't have to spend time and effort on that! We are also experts in Microsoft Al, so we can help you use Azure Al services, like vector search, machine learning, bot framework and more.

Support throughout the delivery and implementation

We don't just sell you Al solutions. We help you deliver them to your business. We can do this either as an integral part of the system we are building for you, or by improving the system you have built/are building, or by helping you purchase the right Azure Al services.

Tailored solutions to match your needs and goals

We don’t offer one-size-fits-all solutions. We work closely with you to understand your challenges, opportunities, and vision. We then help you match the right AI options to your business objectives and budget.

Deep understanding of business processes and optimisation

We have been business process optimisers for 1 5+ years. We are adept at understanding how you operate and where you can utilise Al to improve your efficiency, quality, customer satisfaction, and innovation.

How to Get Started?

If you are ready to explore how Al can transform your business, contact us today for a free consultation. We will discuss your current situation, your goals, and your options. We will also show you some examples of how we h ave other Al to achieve positive results.

Contact Us